Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring
Went to bed with a bump on his head and didn't wake up in the morning!
(didn't wake up 'til the morning) actual verse, ha!

This has been our theme song lately. Ella loves playing in the rain, but then again what doesn't she love! She is a girl of many excitements...

So she stands on these steps, going up and down as we sing this song. In which I never realized how morbid that song is. Maybe I have the words wrong?

We have had to get really creative with all of this rain. Ella decided to put on this old straw hat and scoot around in that stroller with Chelsea Bear. It was too cute!

It is rare that you will find this:

Usually this wild child is running from one side of the coffee table to the other, but not tonight. She needed some cuddle time with her Daddy! When that opportunity arises, you have to just sit back and snuggle.