Friday, January 22, 2010

"Say Good-Bye to Your Little Friend!"

It has been a long time coming, but I think I'm finally ready for it to be gone. The little one on the other hand would not agree. Daddy actually said he would like it to be gone by the end of January. I have faith in us that we can do it!

Today Ella was having a little throwing fit, imagine that, and threw her paci into the kitchen cabinet. Nap time roles around and paci is no where to be found, seriously we searched the house! So it occurred to me that this could be my ample moment. So I say "Paci had to go bye-bye, because you are a big girl now." Her reply was "Uh-huh." Was it really that simple? I think not! After a sweet little talk with the sad little girl, I said "Now let's go to the back door and say bye-bye to paci!" Oh it was a sad moment for both of us. Then we went pee pee and I told her if she went to bed like a big girl, I would give her an M&M when she woke up. I know what you are thinking...Bad Momma! I promise I won't continue this but my little girl is in love this "mem, mem, mem's!"

She finally fell asleep, but there was lots of sad whining involved. Tonight is going to be harder!


Allison said...

M&m's worked for Jade too and I only had to keep it up till she was about 7 or 8...just kidding. After a couple of weeks they forget to ask for them anymore.

Grace said...

Just the first couple of days will be difficult - hang in there! With my little one, I showed her a picture of her baby cousin and told her that she needed the paci now, and what a good big cousin she was to give it to her. We told before every nap and bedtime - it seemed to take the sting out. Best of luck!

Theresa said...

haha, this is such a cute story!! good luck!

The Lynchs said...

This made me laugh. Poor little Ella! I bet once she had that M&M she forgot all about the paci!

Deana said...

When you are successful with the pacifier being gone can you PLEASE help us with ours??? I have cut Tallan's, hidden it, he has thrown it away and then every night @ bedtime he is screaming for it and we only have one and oh my I just think I may have to cut the whole nipple off of it, b/c I have already cut it so 'it shouldn't be able to suck' but I think he just has to have it in his mouth!!!
Oh my-- good luck!!!
I will have him potty trained before the 'fire' is gone that is his name for it :-)

Jill said...

I love the title of this post....and then the pic of the paci is just too funny! Thanks for a good laugh! You can do it, Ella!