Thursday, June 30, 2011

Who said it was going to be easy...

From the very beginning of this weight loss challenge, my one concern was breastfeeding. I want to lose weight however I do not want to jeopardize my milk supply. My little man is now two months old and after his two month check up, I have decided it's time for formula. This is a very hard and emotional thing for me to do... In a months time, Little E only gained one pound. At least he gained. I had been talking with the hubs about this and praying about what is best and Ethan's Doctors appointment helped me to feel confident this was the best decision.

So with this decision, I feel like I can have the freedom to really concentrate on my body. This my friends is intimidating! Now I have no excuses, if I fail, it's my own fault.

This week may be a set back in the weight area due to my boobs are like 5lb weights. I am relieving them on occasion but trying decrease my supply. This morning I was up in weight, but I'm sure the Johnsonville Brat Burger and potato salad for dinner last night did not help ;-)

Yesterday was weigh in day (173.6). I have successfully completed every day of boot camp and I know I have lost inches in my thighs and my waist. I have sucked at doing cardio on my off days. Going to hop on the bike as soon as I'm done!

**Update: I just did 30 minutes of Spinnervals on my trainer. WoW! However, time flew by and it was the best ride I had completed on my trainer to date. Troy it's on!

Next week will be hard, but I will make the most of my surroundings and do what I can.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Where does the time go...

Wow, it's already Sunday and I haven't blogged all week! Sorry 'bout that. I have had a busy week starting off the week with a sick child, then cleaning for company, a Dr's appt and lunch with my dear friend who recently moved away on Friday, a big day of family and eating and visiting with my Dad and sister on Saturday and here we are...Time to get back on track!

However I successfully completed my boot camp for the week, weighed in and lost a little (not quite a full pound) but 'm ok with that! I did not get any cardio in this week other than boot camp... Cleaning and racing around Walmart with a screaming child may have helped a little though.

I think I should set some goals for this week:

1. Cardio - on days I don't have bootcamp.
2. Water - (2) 32oz jugs...this one is usually not a problem
3. No eating after 7:00pm...this one will be hard

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday and Monday

Sunday was a really long day for us! I did get my exercise in and spent the rest of the day tending to a sick 3 yr old and waiting for my husband to arrive home. He and his co-workers took off on Friday and drove to the bottom of Louisiana to go fishing for the weekend! He had a ball, I'd say it was one heck of a Father's Day minus the fact his kiddos weren't with him :( (But we celebrated early and gave him a movie he loves and a mini photo album created by Lindsay Renee Photography. I actually won a photo session and (3) mini albums and he loved them! Lindsay is also a friend of mine, so it was really cool to have her capture our family with her beautiful talent.

Anyways back to my post...Oh wait, the Hubby did bring back some Red Fish (he caught), some mighty fine looking shrimp and some Daiquiri's in gallon milk jugs!!! YUM! Those will be consumed on cheat nights ;-)

Now back to my post... Sunday's Workout:
Bike Trainer - 30 minutes
Weights, Ball Squats

Today is a whole new ball game! Boot Camp is here and YES, I actually did it...Sorda.

I started off doing Mountain Climbers after 2 1/2 sets, I decided to head outside and do sprints! LOL. I did take a bigger break then needed to hop online again to view the moves one more time. My least successful move was the Side Plank Dips. I just couldn't do it, but I tried, even though I looked like a fool. My left side was a lot better than my that odd since I'm right handed? Anyways, Boot Camp W1D1 is complete.

Tomorrow, if I can move my legs I will ride the bike trainer again...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Recovery Day

Today is going to be a recovery day....

Yesterday morning started off well. I rode my trainer, did my weights and squats and headed over to take a very special Nanna to lunch for her Birthday! We decided to have Mexican, Yum-O! It's been a while for me... I swore that I would eat light the rest of the day, well that didn't really happen! I had a girlfriend come to visit and she and the littlest child and I were going to go eat...Of course she chose Mexican ;-) Even though I had just had it, I did not turn it down. I really wanted a Margarita, but since I had the baby with me, I did not indulge! But I did eat a lot.

So today I will get back on track and prepare for Mondays Boot Camp! Woot Woot

Shout out to my friend and partner in weight loss crime Mae Anne who is running her first 10 miler today! Go get 'em tiger....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Walk in the Park

Yesterday was a pretty good day... I didn't get much done around the house, but I did really concentrate on my eating. So I am pleased.

Today has been good so far as well. We had a good breakfast and then the kiddos and I loaded up to go the park and take a walk. It wasn't a long walk, maybe 2 miles, but I was sweating! It is H.O.T. on top of that I was pushing the kids in one of those school bus strollers that is so big and hard to control. So not used to that... But we all had fun and ended the trip with a stop at the playground!

This is about all I will do today, besides pick up my house. Tomorrow I will do a repeat of yesterday. I don't want to get burnt out to soon, it's only day two! Tomorrow Sisterhood is posting info about the 6 week boot camp we will be doing.... Looking forward to learning just how sore I'm gonna be ;-)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So today is the first day of my challenge... It's 11 weeks long and I have to weigh in every Wednesday. 11 weeks is a long time in terms of eating right, exercise and losing weight, especially with a 3 year old and a 7 week old! I am pretty nervous, but I am going to use this time to eat better, add some kind of exercise to my daily regiment and feel good about myself.

My problem areas are:
My tummy...hence having a baby 7 weeks ago.
My butt
My thighs
My flabby arms

I guess it's safe to say...It ALL needs help! Here are some before pics I took this morning:

6/15/2011 - 176.0lbs
Cardio -Bike Trainer, 30 minutes
Weights - Arms, Ball Squats

Gross! But I guess that is why I'm doing his challenge...
*Yes the naked little girl had to jump in! Ironically, I did not tell her to cover herself ;-)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's that time again!

Time to get my booty back in shape! You know the drill, every year or so I get really involved and my blog turns into my workout accomplishments, blah blah blah... Well it's that time again! Here I am almost 7 weeks after the birth of my amazingly handsome son --

And I'm ready to get this extra baggage off once and for all! I was doing wonderfully with my running and eating, until I came home to be with my precious little girl. I never had any time to get outside, then as you remember, I got pregnant...God had bigger plans for that sweet baby, but I never seemed to lose extra weight I put on. Then in August of last year I became pregnant again and that puts me where I'm at today! With two beautiful children and about 20 to 30 pounds over weight, but it is all so worth it!!! Now I am only about 4 pounds from my "pre-pregnancy" weight, but I want to go further than that, physically and athletically. This is my time, if I can find that precious time to actually do it ;-)

I have many challenges ahead of me:
First and foremost is Breastfeeding! I do not want to jeopardize this.
Next is time, I will have to be dedicated to in-home workouts. I have my bike on a trainer and videos to do the rest...however I have to do them for it to actually work!

So in order to get me started and all gun-ho about exercise again...I decided to sign up for a weight loss challenge; Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans Burst into Summer Challenge!

I am placed on a team with complete strangers who are all working towards the same goal...To shrink their jeans. In the end the team with the most weight loss percentage wins, not sure what they win, but they win! I feel this will really help me to be accountable to myself because I hate to let people down. My girlfriend Mae Anne is the one who found this challenge and is doing it as well! I am excited to be able to share my progress with her and all of you, if I still have readers ;-) My goal is to record my days and weekly weigh-ins here as well. It could get ugly, folks! I may even post some really awful pictures...YIKES! Some posts may be really long and some really short, but it helps me to write it all down.

So please encourage me and I hope to encourage you as well! BTW, this starts tomorrow ;-)